John O'Hara: Decks
John O'Hara: Decks
Over a year in the making, Decks is a mixed media series combining O'Hara's favorite medium, encaustic wax, as the backdrop and base for art-edition skate decks. The skate decks, screen-printed with contemporary art by Warhol, Basquiat, Haring, and more, are float mounted onto board. With a nod to pop art and street art, each board is painted to complement the decks that sit atop. In works like Deck 15 and Deck 18, O'Hara float mounts sets of Keith Haring decks and pays homage to the street art legend by mimicking Haring's style on the board behind. Beautifully framed, O'Hara's Deck series is a cool collection, destined for some cool rooms.