Scotland Sheepskin Rug

Scotland Sheepskin Rug



These beautiful, soft, and rare sheepskins are sourced from Isle of Auskerry, a family-run business started by Simon Brogan and his wife Teresa, the sole inhabitants of a remote Orkney Island in Scotland. Simon and Teresa have dedicated themselves to ensuring the survival of the rare North Ronaldsay sheep, of which there are only three flocks left in Orkney. From their herd, they create luxuriously soft sheepskin rugs, each unique in its color and markings.

Isle of Auskerry hand-cures the sheepskins using rainwater. Their isolated Scottish island has no mains electricity or running water, and their flock feed on seaweed, so their fleeces are ethically reared and sustainably produced.



Orkney Island, Scotland




Approximately 2x3 feet


North Ronaldsy sheepskin



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$25 in the U.S. 

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    Scotland Sheepskin Rug
    Scotland Sheepskin Rug
    Scotland Sheepskin Rug
    Scotland Sheepskin Rug